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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Chuck Berry Statue

What can be left up to individual opinion could please some and disturb for others. For some, it is important to have some hometown greats and to display their complishment for all to see. There are others whom may oppose this idea and will act in order to denied certain rights. There is a controversy going on over a statue of Chuck Berry that is planned to make a debut sometimes this year. The statue has been given the ok by the University City council. This council has the jurisdiction control over where this tribute sculpture will be placed. Many supporters of Chuck Berry were excited about the move to honor Berry, but one woman was not as excited.
According to Bruce Olsen of Reuter, Elise Glickert is an 86-year-old former member of the council. It is her opinion that the Berry should not to honor. She reasoning behind her opinion is that the hall of fame singer is a “felon and is not a friend to women.” Mrs. Grant claims that some procedures were not followed when making the decision of the Berry statue. The statue’s future choice of placement is built on a bikeway, which is in a public place. The bikeway connect to the Delmar Loop, a plaza strip of restaurants, shopping facilities, and clubs. One of the clubs, Blueberry Hill, were Chuck Berry has performed over 160 times is also there.
There is a man named Joe Edwards who owns the club and has helped raise more than 100,000 in personal backing for the sculpture. It portrays a youthful Berry ripping away on his “music magic maker” or guitar. The sidewalks will have some of Berry’s lyrics engraved in the pavement and there will be festive colors and notes of music on the wall. The statute will be unveiled on July 29, 2011. Berry, who is 84-years old now, will be in attendance at the ceremony.
Some credit Berry, claiming that his music was instrumental in changing relationship amongst races as well as the world. Sony even say his music help shape the music of some rock and roll greatest such as Bruce Springsteen, Bob Dylan, the Rolling Stone, the Beatles and others. While it may disturb some, the installment of the Chuck Berry statue will please many.

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